This year has been challenging for all of us, and we know that as our volunteers, being unable to go into your long-term care community has been difficult. Many of you have been out for over a year, and we know that you have questions about going back in. To make the transition easier, we will try to keep all important updates and information here.


  1. Do all volunteers need to get the vaccine?
    All VOYCE volunteers who go into long-term care homes or the VOYCE office are required to get the COVID-19 vaccine.
  2. What PPE do I need to use, and do I need to provide my own?
    Volunteers are no longer required to wear a mask when they visit. Please see the VOYCE Covid Protocol form below for more information. VOYCE will provide any PPE that you need. Contact Lisa at or your ROC to find out how you can get your bag of PPE. We would like you to use the masks that we provide, even if you have your own.
  3. What if my home doesn’t want me back in?
    If you are receiving resistance as you go back in, let your ROC or the Volunteer Manager know.
  4. What will my visits look like now? Will I still be able to visit in resident rooms? What can I expect?
    Every home will likely be a little different, with its own policies and layout for visits. That being said, the state has some ombudsman visitation protocols that you should follow when you visit. In addition to this protocol, you should communicate with your facility to discuss their specific policies. If you still have questions, reach out to your ROC or the Volunteer Manger. (IMPORTANT UPDATE: As of November 9, 2021, the state ombudsman’s office has changed visitation protocol. You are no longer required to schedule your visits, unless the facility is in a red county.)

Visitation Guidance

There have been a lot of changes with visitation guidance. For more information about the newest guidance, read the newest guidance below:

Ombudsman Visitation Protocol

Read the Missouri Long-Term Care Ombudsman Protocol for In-Person Visits below.

Some important takeaways from this protocol are:

  • Ombudsmen are no longer required to wear masks when conducting visits, except in the following situations:
    1. The facility policy requires masking.
    2. The facility has an outbreak of COVID, flu, or other illnesses.
    3. The resident requests that you wear a mask.
    4. You prefer to wear a mask for best practices or underlying health concerns.
  • Volunteer ombudsmen can now visit when there are known COVID cases, but they are not required to.
  • To prepare for a visit, you should do the following:
    1. Evaluate personal health for symptoms of sickness, including monitoring temperature. If sick, do not visit.
    2. Review guidance on the use of face masks, other PPE, and basic infection control practices.
  • If you know that you have been in contact with a positive case or suspected case or if you are having symptoms, you should inform your ROC and suspend visits until evaluation and all recommendations have been completed.
  • Facilities can (and should) screen all visitors, including ombudsmen. They should deny entrance to anyone experiencing symptoms or those who have had close contact with someone with COVID-19 in the past 14 days.
  • You are not required to show vaccination status or be tested before entering the facility.
  • When entering the facility:
    1. Complete COVID-19 screening with facility staff if required.
    2. Only bring necessary items with you into the facility.
    3. Wipe down items brought into the facility with a disinfectant wipe before and after visits.
    4. Use proper hand hygiene, either hand sanitizer or hand washing for at least 20 seconds, before and after entry into each facility and each resident room.
    5. Maintain 6 feet distance from staff and residents.
    6. Use your own pen for documentation. Do not set pen or paper on surfaces at the facility.
    7. Do not sit on beds or chairs and avoid contact with surfaces.
    8. Place your business card, pamphlets, and other info on a hard surface instead of in the resident’s hand.

PPE Use and Hand Hygiene

Read instructions on how to wear a surgical mask and practice appropriate hand hygiene below.

Refresher Training

Did you miss the refresher training or just want to watch it again? Find our recording and a copy of the slides below!

Still Have Questions?

If you still have questions or need clarification, reach out to your ROC!