Remember: you have the right to an ombudsman who can help you exercise your rights!
Your Rights as a Resident
Click through each section to learn more about your rights as a resident of a long-term care facility.
- Choose your own doctor
- Receive information on your care, treatment, and any changes
- Make decisions in your care plan meeting
- Choose or refuse treatment
- Choose your schedule and activities
- Receive services based on your individual needs and preferences
- Receive notification before room change, including reason for the change
- No verbal, sexual, physical, or mental abuse
- No mistreatment or neglect
- No chemical or physical restraints without a doctor’s order for a set time period to treat a medical symptom, or without the resident’s consent
- No holding or spending of your personal money by others without your written permission
- Obtain a financial report quarterly and on request of all your money held by the facility
- Obtain complete informatoin about your rights and the rules related to your stay
- View your records on request
- Access the facility inspection report anytime
- Your treatment, phone calls, visits, mail, resident meetings, and all records must remain private
- Accept or deny visitors 24 hours a day
- Refuse any request to move out unless for nonpayment or health or safety for yourself or others
- Appeal any discharge notice, which you must receive in writing and 30 days advance
- Receive the facility’s bed-hold policy in writing when you are hospitalized
- Return to the first available bed if you choose to pay for a bed-hold and are eligible for payment by Medicaid or Medicare
Read our Understanding Your Rights blog post for more information and resources about resident rights.