When the Older Americans Act established Ombudsman Programs throughout the nation, it directed us to engage in both individual and systemic advocacy. VOYCE practices advocacy through our legislative work.

Read stories of VOYCE’s long-term care advocacy in our News Blog.

Missouri Alliance for Long-Term Care Reform

The Missouri Alliance for Long-Term Care Reform is a coalition driving changes in making long-term care a safe, supportive, and dignified place to live.

State Legislative Work

VOYCE works to improve the quality of long-term care for all Missourians through our systemic advocacy. We seek to be a catalyst for change by lifting the voices of vulnerable long-term care residents and ensuring they have a seat at the table of legislative decisions.  VOYCE’s Mission, Vision, and Values guide our legislative priorities. VOYCE believes that we can promote quality living across the long-term care continuum when we all come together.