At VOYCE, we educate and empower individuals and their families for quality living across the continuum of long-term care. Join us for one of our FREE informative webinars.

Planned 2023-2024 Education Courses

Below is the course schedule for 2023-2024. Registration is free but required. Please note that some times are subject to change, and registrants will be made aware in advance. The link to each Zoom session for any given month will not be sent immediately, but will be sent closer to the date it will be held. Please do not register multiple times. If you would like a reminder of which sessions you registered for, please contact Shelby Collier at 314-919-2410 or

According to the Movement Advancement Project (MAP), there are more than 2.4 million LGBT adults over 50 in the United States. For older members of this population, significant barriers exist when it comes to resourcing services, including housing. All humans deserve access to health care and legal support to ensure their rights are upheld, especially older LGBT individuals. This presentation will outline St. Louis-based resources regarding health care, legal support, housing, and more for LGBTQ+ older adults.

Time: 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm


Sherrill Wayland, Sage

Gina Sheridan, Radical Love Death Doula

Katy Erker-Lynch, PROMO Missouri

Sarah Lovegreen, Alzheimer’s Association

An essential aspect of healthy aging is social interaction, and communication is a critical part of social interaction. Research shows that elder speak can lead to negative social, physical, and psychological consequences in older adults, including social withdrawal, low self-esteem, and dependent behaviors. Learn how eliminating elder-speak will improve outcomes for all of us.

Time: 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Speaker: Dr. Maurya Cockrell

According to the Commonwealth Fund’s 2021 International Health Policy Survey of Older Adults, 1 in 4 Black and Latinx/Hispanic older adults report racial or ethnic discrimination when seeking health care. Join this webinar to discuss the systemic inequities in health care among older adults. Learn the key aspects of the current state of racial disparities in health care and their effects on older people. The speaker will provide information about policy recommendations to address this systemically and how you can be an agent for change for your and your community’s health.

Time: 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm

Speaker: TBA
