Stand up for Missouri’s long-term care residents! Missouri’s lawmakers will vote this Tuesday, April 2, on adding $2.5 million to the Missouri Ombudsman Program.

The Ombudsman program is essential for ensuring the well-being and rights of those in long-term care facilities. Ombudsmen act as advocates, regularly visiting residents to address concerns, ensure proper care, and uphold their rights. They play a crucial role in bridging communication gaps between residents, families, and care facilities, facilitating conflict resolution, and improving overall quality of life. Despite their vital role, the program has long been underfunded, leaving many without the support they desperately need

Long-term care residents need your support! 

Contact your representative today and urge them to support full funding for the Ombudsman program amendment!

To find your representative, visit THIS LINK and enter your address into the “Find Your Representative” box on the left.

You may use the example below to help you get started.


Subject: Support Full Funding for the Missouri Ombudsman Program Amendment

Dear [Representative’s Name],

I am writing to urge your support for full funding for the Missouri Ombudsman Program. As a constituent concerned about the well-being of our vulnerable residents in long-term care facilities, I believe it is crucial to ensure adequate resources are allocated to this program.

The Ombudsman Program is important to my loved one and me because [INSERT YOUR PERSONAL STORY OF HOW AN OMBUDSMAN HELPED YOU OR YOUR FAMILY]

Please stand up for our vulnerable residents and prioritize their well-being by supporting the $2.5M funding amendment for the Ombudsman Program. Thank you for your attention to this important matter.


[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[Your Contact Information]

Thank you in advance for supporting long-term care residents. Please contact Nicole Lynch at for additional information or with any questions.

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